Dr. Tony Arellano portrait

Foundational Concepts of the "F" it Zone

The word psychology is derived from Greek, which means the study of the psyche, and psyche, according to Merriam-Webster, is defined as: “soul, personality; the totality of elements forming the mind.”1 This seems to indicate that the mind has several, if not many parts that make up the psyche of each human. Dr. Arellano puts forth his creative ideas and concepts of the “F” it Zone to help individuals better understand their psyche and mind concerning the world around them. Dr. Arellano’s ideas are highly influenced by the work and minds of William Glasser, Albert Ellis, and Carl Jung, all pioneers in the field of psychology. Their work involving Choice, Beliefs, and Conscience are the foundations for the “F” it Zone, which includes expanded concepts for ease of understanding and application.

1. Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Psyche. In Merriam-Webster.com dictionary. Retrieved September 19, 2024, from: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/psyche

A Message from Dr. Anthony Arellano, Psy.D.

The “F” it Zone concepts are designed to bring awareness of the negative and positive parts of one's psyche to implement one's change process. It is my sincere desire to help you achieve greater happiness while minimizing your psychological distress where possible. There is valuable information from various theorists and great minds in psychology to help you obtain a more mentally healthy life. If you have not found one that resonates with your psyche yet, try the “F” it Zone; it may be what you have been searching for. Go ahead, I dare you to say “F” it. Then reach out to me, and I will teach you how, in this context, saying "F" it falls into Dimension 3, which is not harmful to your physical or mental health.